This is a picture of us all showing very little emotion. As a magazine cover it is very ineffective as it isnt colourful or bold, this will need to be retaken. |
This is the product of some clever editing, by editing out the elbow of fay we were able to get a severed had look. However the edit is messy and will need to be tidied. |
This has no real purpose other than the fan site. This shows us all being happy and therefore is completely ineffective for a horror film magazine cover. |
I really like the lighting in this the red really shows fear and danger and his expression clearly shows agony but it looks alittle untidy in the back ground and his arms arent level. |
These first few photos are to give us a standard idea of what our magazine cover will look like, these are not the finished producted they are just the first of a few drafts. We want the covers to project fear, these pictures also show the ways in which our characters die. At the moment we are not sure if that is what we want as we dont want to give away the plot to soon. We are considering using just close ups of our faces as that would show fear but would leave everything else to the imagenation and could possibly spark some curiosity as well. Two of the photos show us standing together these photos give the audience an over all veiw of the cast, we may use these photos but i dont think that the photos look profesional enough, so they may be scraped. They dont show very much and they arent particularly intresting they show no emotion other than the one where we are just being silly in a 'fun' photo. We will use the 'fun' photo on ou fan facebook page as although the picture may appeal to those already fermillia to the franchise it would not to people who had never heard of us. The individual pictures look quite nice but i feel that they give far to much away and show to much to the audience. They show raw emotion which is what we want to grab the eye of the passer by but not is this format.