Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Fake blood (props)

This was the first time we had tried to create a prop for the film trailer and we wanted it to look realistic but reflect our intentions just as well. In most horror films props such as these are subtle and usually there just to create a sense of atmosphere but have no real meaning to the story. That is true for our trailer in two ways. We create a sense of fear and dred by the reaction of 'dani' to the bloody apron but  the story of that particular scene doesn't revolve around it much at all. However just because it doesn't matter to much to the story doesn't mean it doesn't hold any significants, for example in the women in black the house is full of different creepy old used furniture that doesn't affect the story line but is significant none the less, as with out it the house would look bare and unloved I'm which wouldn't have created such a good atmosphere. As for the creation of the prop, it can be seen in the picture that we used red paint and water splattered on to the apron to get the affect we wanted.

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