Sunday, 24 February 2013

Demographic Research (posters)

These pie charts accurately show the out come of a serious of questions asked to a focus group about the posters. The focus group had seen the magazine and the trailer prior to the questioning. These questions help us better understand what our audience wants and what is the most affective method of advertising our film.

This pie chart maps out the answers the focus group gave to the question: In a horror film what do you most like to see? Jumps, Zombies, Gore, Violence, Ghost sighting or high tension this question is desinged so we can find out excatly what our audience is expecting in the film and what they most enjoy. Clearly the high tension option was most popular so we know to focus on building tension as well as jumps and ghost sighting.  

This question gives us a good understanding of the gender of our target audience and it helps us better understand what that group of people want. From this we know to take extra care when dealing with female characters to make sure they do not come across as stereotypical or offsensive to women.

By determening the age of our target audience we know that we can mak references that younger people would understand where older veiwers may not, we also now how to market our film to the appropriate age range.

This question asks what about the posters do you like and what stands out the most. The layout and the images were clearly very striking for the audience so we decided to stick with the poster because it is bold and stands out. The focus group seemed to to lke most of the key aspects of the poster so only slight adjustments to the poster should be made.

This question was, do you think the poster relates to the trailer and magazine cover. This question is vital in making sure that our brand is recognisable and that we are succses full in making the poster as it relates well to the trailer and the magazine cover and we got good feedback from the focus group.

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